Friday, September 19, 2014

Whistle to Call Dogs Dog Caller Circuit Diagram

Dog trainers use a whistle to call dogs. But why blow that irritating, loud whistle when the dog can hear a sound inaudible to the humans? We the humans can hear up to 20 kHz, but dogs can hear ultrasound (sound ranging between 20 and 30 kHz) also. Here’s a circuit that generates 21 to 22 kHz (frequencies just above the audible range), so it can be used to call your pets by generating ultrasonic sound.

Whistle to Call Dogs Dog Caller Circuit Diagram

Whistle to Call Dogs Dog Caller Circuit Diagram

IC 555 is used as an oscillator. By adjusting the preset, ultrasonic sound of 21-22kHz frequency can be generated. Whistle effectiveness depends on the speaker used. Use of a low-wattage tweeter is recommended. (Don’t use an ultrasonic transducer, because it is designed for 40 kHz only.)

The circuit works off 9V. For portability, use a 9V PP3 battery and house the unit inside a pocket radio cabinet.

Author: Pradeep G


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