Friday, October 3, 2014

ICL8038 Audio Oscillator Circuit

ICL8038 is a monolithic waveform generator IC that can aftermath sine, aboveboard and triangular waveforms with actual little distortion. The abundance can be programmed from 0.001Hz to 300 KHz application alien timing capacitor and resistor. Abundance accentuation and across-the-board can be accomplished by application an alien voltage. Other appearance of the ICL8038 are top linearity, top akin outputs, accompanying sine, square, triangle beachcomber outputs, low alien locations count, top temperature adherence etc.

The alive of ICL8038 is as follows. The external timing capacitor is answerable and absolved application two centralized accepted sources. The aboriginal accepted antecedent is on all the time and additional accepted is switched ON and OFF application a flip-flop. Suppose the additional accepted antecedent is OFF and the aboriginal accepted antecedent is ON, afresh the capacitor C2 will be answerable with a connected accepted (i) and the voltage beyond C2 increases linearly with time. When the voltage alcove 2/3 accumulation voltage, authoritative cast bomb is triggered and the aboriginal accepted antecedent is activated. This accepted antecedent carries bifold the accepted (2i) authoritative the capacitor C2 is absolved with a accepted i and the voltage beyond it drops linearly with time. When this voltage alcove 1/3 accumulation voltage, the cast bomb is resetted to the antecedent action and the aeon is afresh again.

The circuit diagram accustomed aloft shows a capricious audio abundance oscillator application ICL8038. Such a ambit is actual advantageous while testing audio accompanying projects. The abundance ambit of this ambit is 20Hz to 20KHz. POT R6 can be acclimated for adjusting the abundance while POT R9 can be acclimated for adjusting the distortion. POT R4 can be acclimated for adjusting the assignment aeon while POT R7 can be acclimated for adverse the variations in assignment cycle. C2 is the alien timing capacitor and R5 is a cull up resistor.


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